Analysis of evaporative cooling systems, wet separators, and cooling towers according to the 42nd BImSchV, VDI 2047/VDI 3679
The 42nd BImSchV – Ordinance on Evaporative Cooling Systems, Cooling Towers, and Wet Separators – has been in force since August 19, 2017. Operators must have their systems regularly tested for emission of harmful concentrations of Legionella species and microorganisms.
Institut Kuhlmann supports operators of evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers, and wet separators in maintaining the hygienic working process of their systems through qualified sampling, sampling schedule, and accredited analysis of the microbiological and chemical parameters specified by the 42nd BImSchV.
In particular, qualified and professional sampling including all on-site parameters is essential for meaningful and valid analysis results.
Thanks to internal and external advanced training, our samplers are always up-to-date with the latest technology.
We do more than perform the tests and give you the results. If our analyses confirm that the threshold values are met, we schedule the next sampling in accordance with the legal requirements.
If the threshold values are exceeded, we will work with you in the follow-up actions and investigations as a partner. This also includes communicating with authorities, to which we can contribute our experience from numerous studies.
The standard DIN EN ISO 17025: 2018 and the specialist module of the 42nd BImSchV require impartiality of the test laboratory. We meet this requirement because we are neither involved in the operation of the systems we have tested nor do we sell biocides. As a part of our service for you, we can arrange the collaboration with independent partners for those kind of works.
Benefit from the experience and competence of our team and request a free, nonbinding offer for sampling and analysis in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV.